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[Télécharger] Oiling the Hinges: Fixing Common Restrictions to Pain-Free Movement (English Edition) de Jarlo Ilano,Ryan Hurst,Andy Fossett Pdf Ebook

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Télécharger "Oiling the Hinges: Fixing Common Restrictions to Pain-Free Movement (English Edition)" de Jarlo Ilano,Ryan Hurst,Andy Fossett Livre PDF Gratuit

Auteur : Jarlo Ilano,Ryan Hurst,Andy Fossett
Catégorie : Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères,Par langue
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais

Pain, discomfort, limited mobility - these issues are incredibly common amongst active and sedentary people alike. Whether you have a tendency to "throw out" your back, you have a nagging pain in your knee, or even if you just have trouble reaching overhead due to limited shoulder mobility - these issues are not just going to go away on their own. You have to address them head on. In this collection of popular articles from our website, we cover the four most commonly troublesome areas:1. Spine - Keeping it strong and supple2. Hips - Loosening up tight hamstrings and opening range of motion3. Shoulders - Increasing mobility and reducing pain and stiffness4. Knees - Avoiding common pains and injuriesYou'll get an understanding of each area of the body, along with actionable steps to fix what's ailing you."The GMB Fitness team has always impressed me with their practical, systematic approach to exercise. Oiling The Hinges is just what I've come to expect from them; it's thoughtful, thorough and clever just like Jarlo, Ryan and Andy themselves." - Al Kavadlo, Author of Stretching Your Boundaries"This is an excellent resource, with detailed and easy to follow descriptions of why certain body areas may be giving you trouble, and suggestions on how to help them. GMB Fitness is my favorite company and this book is worth so much more than it's being offered for." - Keira Newton, Master RKC, Z Health 3 Certified, Feldenkrais Certified, CK-FMS"As a man who has battled tight hips, the advice and recommendations about hip mobility in Oiling the Hinges has helped tremendously. Definitely recommend for the fitness warrior who's starting to get along in years."- Brett McKay, Art of Manliness

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